Our goal is to improve health service research and evidence based practice through empowering health and healthcare professionals as well as general public to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice conducive to quality services provided in health systems. We will focus on explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge translation. We implement a variety of approaches to achieve this goal. Research as well as educational and learning activities aimed at empowering healthcare professionals through Communities of Practice and other learning events will form our core activities in IIHR Academy.
The IIHR is an international institution. As such, our policy in the IIHR Academy is to include worldwide coverage in all our activities. We therefore welcome worldwide requests for organizing customized educational activities and learning events in your workplace. For more information please contact us at info@iihr.ca or 1-778-551-0340.
Some of our educational activities include the following educational workshops/courses:
Research methodology
- Systematic literature review and meta-analysis
- Health service research methodology
- Qualitative research methodology in health services (basics and advanced)
- Statistics in health service research (basics and advanced)
- Epidemiological thinking in health service research (basics and advanced)
- Measurement in health service research and development of valid/reliable research questionnaires
- Reading and criticizing papers in healthcare (quantitative and qualitative)
- Software education: SPSS, RAR and SAS, ATLAS ti, UCINET
Applied workshops/courses
- Knowledge Translation (KT)
- Healthcare quality improvement: from theory to practice
- Rapid Process Improvement Workshops (RPIW)/Kaizen Events
- Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs): development, implementation, and evaluation
- Practice guidelines for health education, health promotion and health literacy
- Development and evaluation of standard media/material for patient education, health education, health promotion and health literacy: brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, folders, tracts, posters, newsletters, multimedia, videos, clips and movies
- Application of sociocultural learning theories in health-related behavior in health
- Development, implementation and evolution of Communities of Practice (COP) in health promotion
- Social network analysis and group dynamics in health
- Health education, health promotion, health literacy: from theory to practice
- Healthy lifestyle
- Behaviour modification models in health education and health promotion
- Peer education in health education and health promotion
- Patient education
- Educational technology in health education, health promotion and patient education
- Principles of translating health-related texts
Educational workshops/ seminars for the public:
- Research for the public: how to read research articles
- Quality improvement in healthcare: what to expect and how community members can we participate
- Healthy lifestyle for all: old and new approaches
- Self-care for chronic patients
- Medical Pharmacology for families
- Pharmacological legislation and regulations in BC
Click here to find some of the educational workshops in the IIHR Academy. You can select, add to your cart, pay and participate in your desired courses.
Coming Soon – IIHR College
IIHR is stepping into a new stage by opening the IIHR College. IIHR is starting this college with a one year program of Research, Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Health Care as well as other educational activities. This program will empower participant students in developing, implementing and leading research projects, evaluation of various programs and projects as well Quality Improvement in Health Care.
Stay tuned for more information about the program details including admission criteria.